A New Collection…

So I know that good collections grow over time. I have several that I’m growing v.e.r.y. slowly including a depression glassware collection (I have only a handful of pieces) and vintage mini cookbooks (I have about of dozen of those). However, my post early this week hit on a collection that I’ve been working over in my head for awhile and would love to make a reality.

I love old letters and signs and since our last name begins with a “K” (hence Curry K…) I would love a vintage letter collection and hang them in the back right corner wall near the peace lily plant. It’s just crying for a good “K” collection!

Here are a few I think could *start* my collection:

Terry Signs

Preserve Cottage

Raleigh Modern

loooooveeee this one!

Tennessee’s Parasise

Vintage Love… Advertisements

I’m a big fan of most things vintage: depression glassware, clothing, cookbooks… and advertising! Several years back I hit up a garage sale that had dozens of great full size vintage ads. I was totally focused on finding a mirror (didn’t find) and some more cookbooks (found way too many) that I passed up the ads. I’m still kicking myself over it.

Good vintage ads (in good condition) are a little hard to come by, but make fantastic art! If I had my way I’d have some framed in both the kitchen, dining room and bathroom but I’ll be lucky if I can convince A. to agree to let me hang just one!

1950s Ad Lemonade by Vintage Buttercup: ADORE this!!!

Click here for more vintage goodness…

Something Lovely Wish List… ModCloth Dresses

Have you found ModCloth yet? Have you found one of the biggest time-wasters out there? I say time-waster… but it’s not a time-waster like my other faves: Awkard Family Photos, Failbook, and Regretsy. It’s more of a time-waster because I want one of everything and there’s many many pages that constitute “everything”. First you have to check out the “Apartment” link that has all sorts of fantastically wonderful items like PB & J cake molds and Finger Mustache Stickers (yes, they are a necessary purchase). Secondly you have the dresses! Oh the dresses!

I have a dream of wearing a dress if not every day, then very frequently. Now that I work primarily from home, it’s a lucky day if I change out of the yoga pants and college sweatshirt, so a large collection of lovely, frilly, vintage looking dresses unfortunately falls into the “unnecessary purchases” (unlike the Finger Mustache Stickers). But.. if I were to need a boost to my wardrobe I would like one of each of these please (size 6 in case you were curious…)

ModCloth, Destined for Stardom Dress, Red, Vintage

I fully plan on purchasing this dress though I haven't figured out for what ocassion. A is on the board of a local organization that holds a black tie gala in the spring. I think that may be appropriate?

Modcloth, soda fountain, yellow, vintage, dress

This is one of those every day dresses. Uber-love. Freakin cute. Need now.

ModCloth, Dress, polka dot, Pardon Me Boys, Vintage

The biggest problem with ModCloth? Very limited quantities! I snoozed and I... loozed. This dress is out of stock. If it gets restocked I want to buy immediately!

Another dress I waited too long on. This is a great business dress. Stylish, but totally appropriate. Perfect for say... a wedding planner perhaps?

This dress is simply fabulous. I would never buy because with my pale skin I would look pretty naked (oddly shaped, but naked). But a girl can dream of being tan and pulling off pale peach, can't she?

I don't know why I love this dress, but I do. Not even sure where I would wear this dress. I think you'd have to be a "lady that lunches", which I am not... but it's so elegant!

And to finish it off another awesome work-ish dress. I like frills. Big fan of frills. Scared to wear frills. Think I could wear these frills.

So those are my top selections. There’s literally dozens and dozens of pages of dresses alone so off you go to waste some time (and moolah)….

Thanks for stopping by Curry Kay Designs. Please be sure to check out my Etsy Shop, twitter feed, and  facebook page.

And if you like what you’ve read today, please be sure to leave a comment! (It makes me feel loved!)

Gifts for Giving (or Keeping): Lemonade

Technically I’m supposed to be knee deep in fall and holiday prints right now in preparation for the next season. And I kind of am. But I couldn’t help just one more stab at summer and so I threw a Lemon print in with my new collection. If you have a friend who’s like me and wants to completely deny the fact that it’s almost August which means it’s almost September (and let’s face it, when August is over so is the summer) then these would be perfect lemony-inspired-end-of-summer gifts for her!

1950s Lemonade Ad from VintageButtercup

Lemongrass Tea Cold Process Soap from mojospa

Make lemonade print from valentinadesigns

Notecards Personalized Lemon Slices (Set of 4 Flat) from EvenAndy

Handmade Necklace, hammered yellow chalcedony nugget, oxidized sterling silver chain– sweet sweet lemonade from mycellardoor

One 3.5oz Fresh Squeezed Lemonade Bath Bomb from Bathbombconfections

Vintage Lemonade Pitcher from Chase Vintage

Lemon drops from lilybirddesign

Raspberry Trio Lipbalms from BLSoap

Check back tomorrow for new lemony CKD products!

Gifts for Giving (Or Keeping): Coolness

It’s hot. Very hot. I looked up weather.com yesterday and underneath the temperature it said “Very hot”. Geez, thanks for the heads up. I love my home, I really really do. But it was built in 1923 and still has radiators. Radiators mean no central air. No central air means I’m hot.

In case I haven’t driven home the point about how hot I am here’s another little story. Last night hubby came home and surveyed the baking supplies I purchased for his Poppy’s 85th birthday cake. He picks up the bag of chocolate chips and said “um, they’re melted”. Sitting in my kitchen the chocolate chips melted. So we had a mad rush to find all the chocolate in the kitchen and stick it in the refrigerator. Never knew I had so much chocolate, but now I have a produce drawer full.

Okay, you get it. I’m hot. You’re hot. I assume your friends are hot, so wouldn’t you be the most awesome friend to buy your friend something cool and refreshing? If you’re like me your brain isn’t working as well because of the heat, so ta-da! Here’s a lovely collection of cool and refreshing gifts. Aahhhhhh….

blue, etsy, handmade, vintage cup, photography, beach, sea glass, rain, print, dress, blue, grey, turquoise

From Left to Right, Top to Bottom

vintage turquoise/teal fan from industrialrelic on Etsy

blue ice cream 12 x 16 from inventorysuply on Etsy

cucumber mint bath bomb -large from magichand on Etsy

aqua rain 16 x 20 large format art print from michelledigital on Etsy

sea glass marble pendant sterling silver wrapped from akkricket on Etsy

all season 2…blue from cocoricooo on Etsy

breeze 8×8 print from cassiabeck on Etsy

five vintage drinking glasses- mod keyhole design unused from mollyscloset on Etsy

sale buy 1 get 1 ocean blue original fine art photography from retrospectphoto on Etsy

What are you doing to beat the heat?